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ILERA2020: Comparative Perspectives on Work and Worker Organizing in Global Supply Chains
What does buyer power look like in a global supply chain?
ILERA2020: Reimagining the Regulation and Governance of Work: LERA 2020 Annual Volume
ILERA2020: The Future of Work in Retail
ILERA2020: 1.5 Non Union Worker Collectivities
ILERA2020: 10.3 Indigeneity and Work Experiences
ILERA2020: Work in The West: The Implications of Resistance and Regulation for Land and Labour
ILERA2020: 11.6 CRIMT: Experiments in Labour, IR and HRM Transnationalism
ILERA2020: 11.1 CRIMT: Power Asymmetries and Inequalities: Experimentation for Better and Worse Work
International & Comparative Employment Relations (Book) 6 edn. Preview
Mark Anner: "Squeezing Suppliers and Workers" - GVC Conversations
ILERA2020: New Directions in Canadian Union Organizing? Or the Same Old Problems